Sunday, August 26, 2012

What My Love Test Says...

I was just trying out some Intelligence Quiz and I happened to pass by this test... Somehow, I know myself better when it comes to love because of the following results:

Love Style Test Results
Your predominant love style is Storge!
However, nobody's love type is pure. There are always several love styles that are present in varying degrees. Besides your predominant love style of Storge, your overall love style is also composed of Agape and Pragma. The three other love styles, Eros, Mania and Ludus, have only little importance in your love style composition.

Storge 47%
Storgic lovers are friends first.
Storgic love develops gradually out of friendship, and the friendship can endure beyond the breakup of the relationship. Storgic lovers choose those people that are closest to them, and sometimes cannot pinpoint the moment that friendship turned to love. Storgic lovers want their significant others to also be their best friends.
Storgic lovers place much importance on commitment, and to find their motivation to avoid committing infidelity is to preserve the trust between the partners. Children and marriage are seen as legitimate forms of their bond. Sex is of lesser importance than in some of the other love styles.
The advantage of storgic love is the level of intimacy between the partners. The disadvantage is the lack of passion.

Agape 42%
Agapic lovers are self-sacrificing, and give all-encompassing love.
Agapic lovers are often spiritual or religious people. Agapic lovers view their partners as blessings and wish to take care of them.
Agapic lovers will remain faithful to their partners to avoid causing them pain, and will often wait patiently for their partners after a break-up. Marriage and children are sacred trusts, and sex is a gift between two people. Agapic love believes itself to be unconditional, though lovers taking an agapic stance to relationships risk suffering from inattention to their own needs.
The advantage of agapic love is its generosity. A disadvantage is that it can induce feelings of guilt or incompetence in a partner.

Pragma 12%
Pragmatic lovers are practical.
Pragmatic lovers think rationally and realistically about their expectations of a partner, and select them as it they were comparison shopping. Pragmatic lovers want to find value in their partners and ultimately to work with them to reach a common goal.
Pragmatic lovers will stay away from infidelity to avoid adverse consequences, and carefully weigh the costs and rewards of a relationship. Pragmatic lovers view sex as a means of procreation, and view marriage and children as liabilities or assets.
The advantage of pragmatic love is practicality and realism. The disadvantage can be a lack of emotion. Pragmatic love should not be considered as negative type of love attitude. In collectivist culture where arranged marriage is practiced, pragmatic love is very common at the time of mate selection.

Yes, That's me and I'm proud of it... I just have to work some things on it to be better...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Difference of Goodbye

I guess, it's just been two months since I posted my blog about the 5 Elements on how to keep a relationship but I guess I, myself, didn't live up that elements. Just more than a week when my fairy tale halted. Wow! A week was very fast and I didn't noticed the time running. In this long, struggling week, I have to ponder somethings in my mind to fully understand "what went wrong". After sharing some of my thoughts and listening to some stories and various advice from the people I trust and learnt to trust, I have realized that there's a HUGE difference between "Let's break up" and "Let's take our time first".

GOODBYE. What does this really mean? There's a lot of ways to say goodbye. Friendly, casual, formal, hurtful and happy. For couples, this is one of the most hated words. A normal dialog when the relationship is on its end. But what are the real reasons why we always have to say goodbye? 


I dreamed of a long relationship with him. I wished that we will be as happy as the other couples that I have known who made their relationships last the longer they planned it. I guess we're not "yet" meant for that stuff. What is really goodbye for us? Goodbye for our relationship? For both of us? Or for the mutual feeling? I realized that we were made for each other but we are in a wrong timing. A week ago, we decided to end our relationship. We decided to say goodbye to the MUTUAL FEELING and stay as good friends. (A typical fan fiction scenario...). It was hard. For a girl like me, I have to cry out all the hurt and sadness that have been bottled up since the day that our relationship went on a rocking ship. My bolster have to suffer the wetness and absorb all those painful tears while I can still manage to text and chat on Facebook. (A typical Internet addict...) I have to muffle my cries so my parents won't hear me and bug me to talk to them about what happened. After a short break up, he manage to say:

                           "Who told you we are over? We are going to stay as friends, right? Friends?
                                     You are such an wonderful person, if you only knew that."

Okay, that made me bawl my eyes out again. 12:59 when he said good night. Awkward because there's no I love you after that, ANYMORE. What makes it worst is that I am acting as an adviser to one of my friends about his "love life". Now, I feel what my fairy godmother feels. Thanks to Gandang Gabi Vice, I became a total bipolar freak. After crying endlessly, moments later I was laughing heartily which is a very DRASTIC change.

On the next day that I woke up, first thing that came into my mind is that no one will ever say "Good morning gwapz, I love you." which is a very sad reality. I kept myself busy with my work and day by day I learnt to love this profession. I told my story to a friend and surprisingly I didn't spill a tear actually I was smiling when I was telling her the story. I was also giving her sometimes a forced smile when I can't bear the pain of reality and a heavy sigh helps me to breathe again normally. Well, maybe ACCEPTANCE will take his role now.

We indeed need time for ourselves. We are just young adults. So why rush? We have all the time in this world. God paused this love story for a while, for us to ponder if we do love each other as significant other or just friends or siblings. We need to find and settle ourselves first, and maybe SOMEDAY our time will come. Maybe not with each other but with the persons that will love us truly. (;_;) It's a happy ending. But as of the moment I settle myself assuming and hoping that he will still be the one. If I will fall in love again, I pray that it would be with him because this separation made me love him more. I know that. Because my heart still keep beating for him and already embedded and embossed his name on the biggest part of it.

I'm glad that my friends are looking into the possibility that we will find each other again. Meeting and talking to him the other day makes me feel that nothing big has changed. Except for the intimacy as lovers. The random laughs, teasing, my abrupt slapping on the different parts of the body and the talks really showed that  he doesn't want to lose me as a person and a friend. But I can't avoid being jealous with the person he texts and chats in the FB. But that is not my right anymore, so I have to brush off the feeling though it is hard as a rock.

Hug~! That was all I want but I didn't have the urge to do it since I don't want any awkwardness at all....

I guess I've really dated a celebrity, like all the fanfics that I have read. maybe God has all the plans. We just have to follow it.

I AM A HAPPY SINGLE LADY NOW. (happy but lonely...)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

What Happens in the Story, Happens in Reality

It was a fairy tale. I also treat it as a fan fiction. What I have read from all those stories created by these beautiful minds were SO true. I have seen it and actually experienced it. Fan fiction. Thank you for my undying addiction to KPOP because I have learned different types of stories. It widened my imagination and give me the feeling of having my own beautiful love story. A love story that through ups and downs still 'survives'. But not all fan fiction have beautiful endings. 

Like the story Robotic Boyfriend, where the main girl have to let go of her robotic boyfriend for a month knowing that she developed a mutual feeling same as the robot itself. I know it's impossible but this shows that in love there is nothing impossible. After letting him go, he had to be reprogrammed, losing all his memories with the girl. This is a sad ending. There are also tragic endings like the story Whispers in the Dark, where the male protagonist was killed because of the threats done by the unseen beings. But what amazes me are the types of stories. There are two and threeshots, these are stories with two to three chapters only. But the most famous is the oneshot. A story of one setting. only a short one.

Well, my fan fiction? It's a oneshot and has an ending of the same genre where the characters becomes friends after the breakup. I know this is even possible but being friends with your ex is one kind of a hell!

The sign seeking syndrome went off when I was on the verge of giving up. It was a hard decision. Asking for a sign is hard because you don't have any idea what answer will be given to you. Happy or sad, tragic or not.  I asked for the sunset sign. Why so? I don;t know I just felt that sunset would close all the hurt that I am feeling inside me. All the painful emotion being bottled up inside me. Receiving one text of question and answer made my whole fan fiction experience HIATUS. The same situation, I've read it. When I was reading it I just feel a little sadness but when I was on the story IT FELT LIKE HELL. We have to end it at the day of our 3rd month. I was like dating a celebrity and I was the ordinary girl. We have to give up each because we "don't have time for each other" anymore. Wow! And I have to cry my eyes out. It wasn't the type of ending I want. But what makes me smile behind these painful tears is the realization that he still wants to be friends with me. And I hope it will be the same as always.

It pains me to talk about this for now. It's as fresh as the cut of a knife. Writing this one down makes my tears pour out. but I have no choice but to let it out to the one thing that makes my heart at ease. Writing. Funny isn't it? I was imagining we would reach our 100th day but 10 days away from that day we have to free each other. I never REGRETTED every thing even I didn't have any HARD feelings. Being hurt is natural. Crying is a part of it. I only wished I was able to face him and hug him before I say goodbye to the sweet relationship we had together. HECK! I have to blow my nose several times. My poor pillow was soaked with my tears. 

What keeps me going right now is my English class tomorrow! At least, I have something to keep me busy tomorrow. I just hope I won't exhaust myself. I'm used to crying but I didn't expect that this would hurt twice as what I have felt the first time I cried for 'that' guy. 

"If you're considering giving up on probably already have."

I just did... And I hope he'll be happy. He'll take care of himself, fix himself and still stand up to what he believes in. I wish all the best in him because I know in the future he'll find that person or we can remake our own story. 

As for me, I have to do good for myself first. Make myself a better person so I can be better to the next person that will light up my life. As for my Frog Prince, he will always have that special space in my heart considering that he picked me up during the days that I was down on my feet. 

GOD planned our lovestory. Too bad he rushed the ending. Acceptance is the cure!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Meet Her...

          Well, this is just something that went through my mind while I was cooking for lunch when I felt my mother's good aura for today. 'Why shouldn't I write some facts about her?' I said that in my mind... Just then I started to count some of the facts that makes my mother a special one.

Major Facts:

Name: Norma Trimbevilla Velasco - Villanueva
Age: 74 Years Old (turning 75)
Date of Birth: June 21, 1937 (yeah! Her birthday is coming!)
Spouse: Alfredo Edovani Villanueva Jr.
Occupation: Housewife (she was also a retired Teacher)
Children: 5 (4 Girls and 1 Boy)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Parents: Oscar and Crescenciana Velasco (God bless their souls...)

Now! Enough of the major facts. Here are some interesting facts about my mother...
  • Eldest in the family.
  • She is a retired teacher which obviously makes her so strict! It's tiring you know...
  • She was a Master Teacher II during her working days in Binulig Elementary School.
  • Earlier in her teaching life, she was assigned in the mountainous part of Sipalay City.
  • She was in charge of the Grade 1 pupils.
  • She brought her class on the river and bathe them there. (Since all of her students are poor and often misses to take a bath.)
  • She was the head of the volleyball team.
  • She was also in charged of the folk dance in school.
  • She is a dancer. (Well, it runs in the blood.)
  • She won various competitions in BALLROOM dancing. (I'm still curious where did I got my genes in hiphop and krump, tsk!)
  • Her and my father's love story was epic!
  • She was the one to get to know my father first! (Again, it runs in the blood. ^_^)
  • She is also one of those girls that men love to chase. (Weeeh??? PBB Teens?)
  • She loves to sew! Especially pillow cases. She calls it "Tambi-tambi", these are leftover textile and she cuts it in either square or triangle shape.
  • She loves to keep things! (Urrgggh! And our house looks like a storage ground!)
  • She tends to keep new things saying "It's for the future use!" (Future use? Yeah, until the expiration date and everything gets rusty!)
  • She has a lot of cross stitches at home.
  • She is a sweet person.
  • She is very emotional, as in EMOTIONAL. (IT RUNS IN THE BLOOD! ^___^)
  • Always being mocked by my father, which turn out to be CHAOTIC or FUNNY.
  • Drinks BEER! Every night! It's just one bottle, though.
  • Always SCOLDS me. (Hahahaha! It's our routine!)
  • Take care of my dad! They love to do sweet stuffs. (PeeBeeBee Teens!!!)
  • Likes to call me to puck her white hairs.
  • Super THRIFTY that sometimes I can't get a change from the money she gives me unless I ask her. Hehehehe...
  • SCREAMS as if she is present in the scene especially during basketball games, wrestling match and boxing.
  • Loves to ask "Who is she? Who is he?" when we are watch the TV.
  • Laughs out loud too.
  • Loves to CLEAN! A neat freak too!
  • Her BIHON is the best!
  • Gets angry easily.
  • We are bickering kids!
  • Draws in to conclusion easily.
  • Stopped me from having a boyfriend not until I graduated.
  • But teased me to a friend when I was in 5th grade.
  • She love to talk to people she doesn't know.
  • She loves to joke around (though some of it is not that funny, SORRY MOTHER!)
  • She loves to touch any parts, take note ANY PARTS, of your body. (If she was to make lambing-lambing)
There's a lot more! But I'm tired now... ^____^ We fight like cats, taunt and mocks like friends and like lovers during sweet times but despite of that I can see that we have a good relationship as mother and daughter. I love her! And she is my one and only mother. ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

5 Elements

         What makes up a good relationship? Well, I've been thinking how to deliver this one and express my point of view on the elements that make up a good relationship for dating couples. Actually, I have learned the five (5) most important elements to have a strong relationship.

"Patience brings things worth waiting for."
         Love is a tricky thing. It's not acquired just like a cookie from the cookie jar. It needs some effort to work it out and PATIENCE is one of it. Finding a partner is also a matter of patience. Waiting for your other half requires patience. I've learned PATIENCE because of LOVE. Love comes in unexpected time and it's own way. When love comes, patience is the key to getting what you wanted all along. Some are aggressive and abrupt but this won't give them the greatest satisfaction in love and life. Patience is a virtue but time is gold, as we say, but still patience molds a good relationship as it gives couples the time to know each other, settle the differences and nurture the similarities. Be patient when planning new seeds in your life, you can see a flower bloom only after tender loving care over time.  Then when the time is right it will bloom! And don't ever lose your patience to your partners because this only means that you're not strong enough to handle the battles that your relationship may encounter along the road. 


"Love is not the lack of ones faults, but rather knowing each others faults, understanding them, and loving in spite of them..." 
         When you have learned how to be patient, you will also learn how to understand your partner. Both of you has differences and these sometimes causes ruckus on the relationship. Without this element, you will not be able to contemplate on what is the right thing to do and what are the actions to be done. Both of you need to understand the point of views of each other and take these points as a guiding path to your relationship. Understanding must be present on both because it's useless if only one is working on it. One-sided again? That's sick. Men need to understand that women need to vent emotions. They don't want you to fix what is bothering them; listen and show that you care. You understand Love when you come to the realization that you can love someone even if they don't love you back. Love is a  gift that need not be returned. With UNDERSTANDING comes FORGIVENESS.

"A lack of appreciation & respect can all too quickly kill a relationship.  It is not selfish to want to be respected and treated right."
        Again, we are different from each other. We have our own way of reasoning, way of understanding things and appreciating what's around us. As a couple, it doesn't require that everything should be spilled out. Both of you still have your RIGHT TO PRIVACY. Okay? There are some things that should be kept to ourselves also. Respect your partner as you respect yourselves, parents and friends (unless you already lost it). Your partner is your other half. What you feel, they feel it too. You don't have the right to judge their decisions unless it's for the better. One sign of respect is sharing to your partner what you have done the whole day. Giving them the idea how well you did that day. Keep your moments to yourself such as fights and problems. Never insult your partner when your angry, respect them. Remember, guys you courted the girls to get their heart and girls you fell for your guy and gave them their chance for your love. Judging them only means you're taking them for granted. Respect your partner's decision, you can advice or direct them that may affect the decision their going to make but take note, they have that final say not yours. Your partners will open up at the right moment, the right time.

"TRUST is the base of any relationship, always be careful before doing any little act because just a missing "T" can RUST the relationship...
          This element makes the relationship work stronger. Have you ever heard any relationship that became successful WITHOUT TRUST? It's a pathetic relationship right? Trust is the foundation of a successful relationship. Trusting one means you're making him or her a part of yourself.  This requires two people to show the real meaning of the word. This allows us to break down the wall that we were building around us and determine who are those who cares enough and are worthy enough to break it down. Some of us have the tendency to doubt our partner's actions and words but building a trust is a step towards winning a friend, a listener and an adviser. Make your self trustworthy also. Keep what should be kept, don't cheat or lie, don't make your partner feel that you can't be trusted, don't pretend because TRUST is a FRAGILE thing, easy to break, easy to lose, very hard to get back, so never take for granted those that trust you. Even TRUST condoms are not that trustworthy but prove to your partner the YOU as a person is worthy of their trust. Trust is build for months and can be easily break for seconds only, so why not try to build your trust to each other and flourish it for a lifetime.

This is the final one! (Yes, I did it!)

"True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
       LOVE! The core of everything. Why do we love a person? Because of their personality? Looks? Popularity? Money? Property? How do we define it? We have different definition of love. The greatest love ever known was the love Jesus Christ had for us. Unconditional love as we call it. It's giving love without rules or condition. A complete giving and sacrificing of the self. We should also be giving the same love to our partners. Love is a feeling, yes it is, but it is a feeling that resides deep within us. Love is an ability. Ability to love means the ability to open up to people and to the person you choose to love. If we compare a relationship to a food, love is the SPICE that makes the recipe complete. Love is accepting the person of who he/she is. Love comes to your door without notifications. Now here's a list of the dos and don'ts in Love. 
Love's Dos and Don'ts
  • Never ever go to bed mad at your mate, sleep on the couch if you have to: the bedroom should be a safe, wonderful, and enjoyable place to go to.
  • Pick your fights, ask yourself if this is something that is going to matter in 5 years, if not let it go.
  • Do not speak when you are mad, wait until you calm down enough to talk, take a walk, a long bath, or whatever you do to calm down, and always, always, always stick to the subject, and do not ever attack their personal feelings, they have just as much right to them as you do to yours.
  • When you go out, always allow partner first, a lady can open a door for a man just as easily especially if his hands are full.
  • Ask for their opinion on stuff, if they don't have one, do not badger one out, it will only start a fight over nothing.
  • Tell your partner often that you love them, I try for at least 10 times a day, even if they are right after another.
  • If you find that you are both getting in a rut and nothing seems to be as spontaneous as it once was, first talk then think of some action to take.
  • Surprise them often with different comments, once I told my husband that I didn't think that I loved him anymore, after a mil-a-second I said that I knew that I loved him and I didn't have to guess, that was a wonderful evening.
  • Always try to understand what they are saying. And if your partner likes a certain type of sport, try to learn what the sport is about and the names of the teams and you never know you might actually like it once you understand it.
  • Show your love in the way that you take care of yourself, your partner, your children, your home your job, you would be surprising how well that works.
  • This is the easiest one of all and I think more people should follow it, the world would truly be a better place. Laugh, yes just that. Laugh at least once a day. It's good for you and those around you.
(credits to
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
I Cor. 13:4-8

Be in love with your partner everyday, even if it takes forever!

Enjoy reading! :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Fiction Goes On... A Start of New Fairytale

Sequel to When Fan Fiction Comes to Life

             Once upon a warm day of November, 27th to be exact, fairy godmother chatted the princess through Facebook. **Fairy Godmothers are now tech geeks so don't ask** 

              Fairy godmother asked the princess to watch Happy Feet 2. A movie about those cute, tiny weeny penguins. It's a YES of course. It's a break from all the school stress we were experiencing and from all the dramas that the princess have been through after that ridiculous heartbreak. She arrived at the Cinema ahead of her fairy godmother. Take note, her fairy godmother has also a cellphone. She told her that she was accompanied by two mighty coachmen. The more the merrier! She arrived with dazzling aura and with her coachmen tailing behind her. One of them was the princess' friend and the other one was unknown. He reminded her of someone. One of her ill-fated romance. This coachman looks grumpy, it felt like Snow White meets Grumpy! 

             Fairy godmother introduced him to the princess to establish a connection and the network of LOVE started there. It was the time for them to witness that unforgettable movie (well for her and fairy godmother). The noble coachman and fairy godmother has to sit beside each other while Grumpy and her on both ends. Like a hidden wicked spell, fairy godmother felt ill in the middle of the movie! The noble coachman went hysterical trying to make fairy godmother feel better while the princess and Grumpy has to watch the two of them and try to help sometimes. The night passed and they all went back to our own places. Days went by and the four of them would randomly meet up at other palace garden (just to make it look beautiful because it only a piazza). Day by day the noble coachman and fairy godmother would tease the princess and Grumpy. He would still have that grumpy face. And he princess, on the other hand, started to feel different. 

          The princess would often go and sometimes sleep on fairy godmother's haven and talk for hours! Fairy godmother sensed her interest to Grumpy. She told her stories about him, they were actually childhood friends! Thanks to that because she learned a lot about him. She told her how cold Grumpy is to people he doesn't really know. It was a challenge. Day by day, the princess found herself trying to reach out to Grumpy and make him warm up towards her and she also found herself being released from that tight rope of her one-sided love. Grumpy would sometimes give her that lingering stares that makes heart beat faster than it's normal rate and her assuming condition attacked again (Assumera si Princess! ^^)

              The princess' birthday was coming up. They planned out the event with her new found friends as her visitors. Invitation were sent out and the noble coachman and Grumpy also received one. On the day, The princess was surprised with the balloons, thanks to the effort of Grumpy and the noble coachman. They were out for dinner and she could feel that Grumpy had already soften up to her. Fairy godmother had a deal with the princess to list down all the events that she feels special and when she surpasses the 100 events, it means that Grumpy was the one for her.

            The princess was a damsel in distress, she don't want history to repeat itself. Grumpy wasn't showing any affection towards her and she decided to end it as soon as possible. But the princess was a believer, she prayed to her God to give her a sign and He answered it before the set deadline. She continued to like Grumpy and he was still the same for her. The princess and fairy godmother plans out an ice cream date every week to gather all the comrades including Grumpy. This became a habit to all of them. The princess still feels that falling for Grumpy was a bad idea. She asked again of another sign and still it was answered immediately. Fairy godmother and the princess went crazy. Twice in a row and all came true. But the princess and fairy godmother have to leave the kingdom because they were running out of time. The princess hates goodbyes, so again she asked for one last wish for her to hold onto Grumpy.

                 There was a ball, the princess and fairy godmother has to attend the ball together with Tinkerbell (okay, just bear with it, it's starting to be hilarious because of the choice of characters). The princess was starting to feel the pain of leaving Grumpy, so she told fairy godmother to invite Grumpy and the noble coachman to another party. Fairy godmother agreed on the plan and they went to another kingdom. Grumpy guided the princess who was wearing a 4-inched stilettos. They walked behind fairy godmother, the noble coachman, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, the pirate and the two fairies. They talked that night. The princess felt that Grumpy was transforming into her handsome prince. Grumpy felt protective over her and he showed her his true intentions. That night was a dream come true for the princess and Prince Charming didn't let go of her hand as he comfortably sleeps on her lap.

                The princess and fairy godmother stared at the hour glass. A little amount of sand is left and they will be disappearing. Both of them has the passion to sing their throats out so they decided to have another night out. Tinkerbell and Peter Pan were invited. It was a triple date. The princess and Prince Charming, fairy godmother and the noble coachman, and Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. Off they went to find a Neorebang (karaoke, in Korean...). And because of that night out, Prince Charming and the princess spilled out their feelings for each other. Fairy godmother also found out about the true feelings of the noble coachman towards her. Tinkerbell and Peter Pan were still the bickering kids of the group. Again, Prince Charming took that moment to hold the princess' hand as he runs off to dreamland.

                The day came! The princess, fairy godmother, and Tinkerbell bids farewell to the kingdom. Prince Charming was about to go to a mission but postponed it to witness the departure of the princess. He confessed to the princess and the princess was absolutely happy! The royal family came and Prince Charming was put into the hot seat. He has to undergo a series of tests to prove his love to the princess. "Wait for me." That's what he told her. The princess was very willing to wait for her prince. The prince showed his love to the princess in front of her siblings. He was the man that the princess was looking for. A man who isn't afraid to show his affection and love to her. Prince Charming passed the first test. Both of them has to be separated for few days. Prince Charming said the three words that the princess was dying to hear.

              Days passed and the princess was invited to the kingdom of Prince Charming. He promised her one thing when she arrives in the kingdom and she was anticipating for this. The noble coachman and Peter Pan and fairy godmother were also there since it was their home. The princess and Tinkerbell were the major visitors of the kingdom. Prince Charming welcomed her with a kiss. The princess' dreaded day came when she met the Queen but felt relieved when she felt the warmth on her face. The princess also met her fairy godmother's trusted friend who asked if the princess and Prince Charming were already dating. The princess' visit was nearly over and still Prince Charming didn't do his promise. Prince Charming made the princess mad on the last day of the visit. Prince Charming wasn't talking to her either, so the princess tried to talk first and they made up. The night was nearly over and Prince Charming decided to tour the princess riding his yellow horse (okay, it's a motor bike). He asked the most awaited question and the princess tried not to jump on the running horse. She held on tightly onto waist and answered it. The night went beautifully as two new lovers were drawn into the blanket of stars in the sky.

                The princess got her prince. And each day Prince Charming never fails to make her feel so loved even though they can't see each other often. They doesn't have to be together always just to prove their love for each other. Both royal families were good about the relationship thus, there's no problem anymore. No secrets to be kept. Prince Charming was the princess' answered prayer. All things she did for the first time was with her prince. Now, the princess couldn't ask for more. Love is in the air, hearts all over the room. 

Risking is worth the wait. He is worth the wait and the risk. My Prince Charming.

And on the days we've been together, love was there.
On the days we will be together this love will be stronger as ever.

I'm so in love with Grumpy, my Prince Charming... 

When Fan Fictions Comes to Life

                Everyone of us dream of a fairytale love story, right? Well, mine is different because of my KPOP addiction, I dreamed of making my love story a reality based on fan fictions. Well, you can't blame me because the people behind those stories made it SUPER BELIEVABLE that you could imagine yourself on the feet of the main character paired with your favorite KPOP Idol.

            Fan Fictions saved me actually from drowning myself into the depths of depression. Yes, as in LOVE DEPRESSION. Crazy as it may seems but I did felt all the emotions inside that multi-chapter stories. ONE-SIDED LOVE, I got that term from fan fictions. What is ONE-SIDED LOVE? It is secretly loving a person without getting love in return. Well, it seems that I'm the main character now and I'm writing the plot of my own Fan Fiction based on true story.

            What is the feeling of having a one-sided love? IT HURTS LIKE HELL! Why? Because YOU DON'T HAVE ALL THE RIGHTS TO OWN THE PERSON. All you can do is to sit back there, be a friend and that's it you can have all the happiness you want because you're with him. That's what more important, to have him by your side always. GIVE AND GIVE, I did that just to get the person I love to stay by my side. I went overboard. I caught this "ASSUMING CONDITION" for the past two years. Yeah, I've been a fool for whole two years. I've never felt ever in my life to love someone unconditionally. To embrace someone even it means I have to sacrifice everything around me. Why wouldn't I assume when he gives me back those sweet gestures I am showing him, carries my things everyday, be alone with him during weekends and go home late at night, and we even share the same group of friends that makes us technically classmates, seatmates and groupmates. How fantastic isn't it? Whoa! 

           Months passed I was ridiculously INSPIRED which came to a moment that I almost became excellent in my studies. Thank you to my true inspiration! I could die of happiness. We have these SKINSHIPS already (thanks to fan fiction for the word) that makes me assume that he felt the same way. Definitely crazy but I did bought him to my house. But still we're not together. Next, on the field trip day I felt that I needed to take my time and think of myself now. I prayed and asked for an answer "SHOULD I STILL ALLOW MYSELF TO HOLD ON TO HIM?" and the answer comes in bean-shaped, split in half wood. A devastating NO. I was spilling my tears while on tour and all that time he thought I was just sick. Well, blame it to yourself dude! I did get angry but I realized I shouldn't because all of that time I was the one working for that love not him. Did I mention that i became unproductive because of being brokenhearted? Definitely, PATHETIC. 

                 After this disastrous love story, I have to face the two-faced bitch (Sorry for the term) who tries to make me damn jealous because she got my supposed-to-be prince charming. Oh well, in every love story there will always be that evil witch. But I cared less. Why? Because somewhere down that alley of a mall, I met the lost prince that would saved me from this unfortunate event in my life. And there the real story begins.

To be continued...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spell Lucky for Me!

***As promised, I dedicate my first ever blog entry (I mean except for the other one) to my mum, who influenced me SO MUCH in engaging in this kind of activity. (Why do I sound like I'm giving a debut speech?)***

We were strangers,
We came from two different places,
You're from the north while I'm off to the south
But we met in the metropolitan.

We spoke two different dialects,
But we understood each other.
We came up with different clique,
But we were still connected.

We were friends even we were apart.
We took pictures together, 
Watched movies together,
We sang our throats out together.

We shared crazy stories,
We laughed at our mistakes,
We consoled each other at times of distress,
We held hands when out hearts skipped beats.

Ypu held me when I was in tears,
You pat my shoulders when I was down,
You saved me from all my despair
And gave me my greatest consolation.

I give you kisses
To show you how much I treasure you.
i give you hugs for free
To show you how much you mean to me.

Lucky I am to have a friend like you
Lucky I am to have someone to talk to
Lucky I am to have someone to care to
Lucky I am to share my greatest memories with you.

Have you felt so lucky?
Having able to meet someone like me.
Did you enjoyed my presence?
Because yours on mine is of importance.

I am grateful
To our God, the creator
For giving me this creation.
Now, please spell L-U-C-K-Y for me.

My Mum, Sister, TRUE FRIEND Regli! 
I Love HER! Tagos sa heart! Pati sa Ribs! Internal Injury but that's okay! I love that kind of injury!
Anyone who tries to hurt her or make those precious tears fall from her eyes will have their price to pay, BLACKEYE!

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Hi, if you're wondering why I tried blogging? Oh well, let me say it's INFLUENCE.

Maybe it's just proper to define myself before I keep on posting my thoughts here and allowing people to read it.

I go with the birth name of Janelle Irish Velasco Villanueva, long right? Trust me. it's a problem if you're writing it in a 1/8 pad of paper.

Born in December 15, 1991, so basically I'm 20 and turning 21, getting old is unavoidable.

I've finished school! Luckily, but I missed it.

I dance! And believe me, I love krumping, my forte.

I am a sinner, yeah I admit that, but I know for myself I HAVE A STRONG FAITH IN MY GOD.

a TOTALLY FOOL when it comes to LOVE...

I choose my friends, thanks to that awful memory now I know whom to trust.

Can be a crazy nerd sometimes, believe me I love talking with animation.

Wants my love story to became a fairy tale one...

KPOP! My cheer up medicine, my addiction, my dream... Want me to list them down? Nah! You know them later.

What more? Ah! By writing this blog, I want to prove that what is written in my title is a total opposite~! And you'll know me better.