Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spell Lucky for Me!

***As promised, I dedicate my first ever blog entry (I mean except for the other one) to my mum, who influenced me SO MUCH in engaging in this kind of activity. (Why do I sound like I'm giving a debut speech?)***

We were strangers,
We came from two different places,
You're from the north while I'm off to the south
But we met in the metropolitan.

We spoke two different dialects,
But we understood each other.
We came up with different clique,
But we were still connected.

We were friends even we were apart.
We took pictures together, 
Watched movies together,
We sang our throats out together.

We shared crazy stories,
We laughed at our mistakes,
We consoled each other at times of distress,
We held hands when out hearts skipped beats.

Ypu held me when I was in tears,
You pat my shoulders when I was down,
You saved me from all my despair
And gave me my greatest consolation.

I give you kisses
To show you how much I treasure you.
i give you hugs for free
To show you how much you mean to me.

Lucky I am to have a friend like you
Lucky I am to have someone to talk to
Lucky I am to have someone to care to
Lucky I am to share my greatest memories with you.

Have you felt so lucky?
Having able to meet someone like me.
Did you enjoyed my presence?
Because yours on mine is of importance.

I am grateful
To our God, the creator
For giving me this creation.
Now, please spell L-U-C-K-Y for me.

My Mum, Sister, TRUE FRIEND Regli! 
I Love HER! Tagos sa heart! Pati sa Ribs! Internal Injury but that's okay! I love that kind of injury!
Anyone who tries to hurt her or make those precious tears fall from her eyes will have their price to pay, BLACKEYE!

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